Yesterday I had so much energy, today not so much! I think I used it all yesterday. I am living a wonderful dichotomy of menopause and toddler life. It has been an journey with the Lord as He shows me what really matters. Sometimes it’s sitting and having a cup of tea while your toddler makes you a snack of twigs leaves and whatever else he has in his wagon. The hallway upstairs is not done being painted, the books still have to be illustrated, the toilet needs scrubbing, I have two baskets of clothing that need to be folded, I have three large bowls of tomatoes that just got harvested that need to have some thing done with them. At least dinner is started! I have been in Mom for almost 30 years and the daily tasks don’t change! After 30 years I am so thankful that God works through me and sanctifies me. I see improvement, I see hope and even some relief. I finally understand that it’s not dependent on me! There are days where I feel more accomplished and there are other days I wonder why they existed. But in the picture of eternity God knows why each day was needed. If I can walk away from each day knowing this the day was a success! When I walk away from this life knowing that my eyes were on Him and that I showed my children the way to go, showing them how to look to Jesus, I can count my life a success!
Have a blessed day!