Remember those days of hanging on every word your spouse said, you couldn’t wait to hear his voice? You loved every moment you spent together; it was never enough! It does not have to be only a memory! We can have that love life when we have God as the head of our marriage. With Him in the mix it works the way it was designed! Sure, there are rough days, even seasons. God’s way lives everyday looking for the best in the other person, regardless of the circumstances. It is hopeful! Many of us get stopped up at some point with pretty good reasons. Read that verse at the top of the page again!
I order things online, I much rather shop with a cup of tea than in the stores! When I do I expect it to show up and be exactly what I ordered. Why don’t we have the same expectation when we pray for our marriages according to God’s Word? Do we trust God? Do we have that kind of expectation for our spouse? Do we believe the best of them? Love hopes ALL things, and all means nothing is left out! That goes for enduring and believing the best, the word except is not in there!
God is Love and it is He who calls us to this standard. In myself I cannot do these things, I fail! It is difficult to live up to expectations, therefore in our flawed humanity we humbly accept grace and mercy from our Lord! Difficult times come, question is, how will you respond? Have confidence in God and in your marriage! The key words in this verse speak volumes: Bear, Believe, Hope, Endure, they are followed with the words ALL THINGS!
Regardless of what comes look for the best in each other, remaining steadfast during difficult times without weakening!
Lord, I come with great expectation that You will work through us as a couple helping us to show one another Christ’s love. That we may be a testimony to who You are!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen!