This is a story of strength and faith, how God’s hand is seen from grief to restoration. A restoration far beyond what I could have ever imagined, a journey I could not have dreamed I would have made, yet through it all good, bad and crazy the Lord’s faithfulness shines like a beacon in the darkness. It has been 25 years since my brother passed. I have had quite the journey since those days. My heart’s desire to know God’s will for my life. I would torture myself over this and make it so complicated. There is a verse that really helped boil it down, Psalm 37:4, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” He speaks to us through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Every aspect of life needs this connection! We want to know what direction to go, what job to take, who to marry, what to study in college, the list is endless. He drops desires in your heart through gifts you possess, passions and desires you have so you know the way to go. For example, if you have certain skills and but decide to do something you are not gifted to do just so you make more money you are going to struggle and probably never be fulfilled. I love how Dave Ramsey talks about working smarter and doing what we have inclinations towards, as he puts it, when you do so your “vocation will feel like a vacation”. There is a peace and an ease about it when God is involved. You will work hard but you will enjoy your life. God wants that for us! He wants us to live in peace and thrive not just survive! In seeking the Lord for His plan for my life, I would press into Him and strive to hear His voice. I was so afraid I would miss Him. As I grew in Christ I realized it doesn’t quite work like that. The enemy sure wants you to think so, that way you get so caught up in figuring, you are distracted from hearing. Simply trust that you will hear and listen. The Lord is so faithful to grow us up in Christ when our heart seeks Him. When I was learning how to hear the Holy Spirit. I would get little lessons like; you left the lights on or where my keys were. Yes, God cares about even the small things!
He wants us to live in peace in every area, it’s not that we won’t see struggles but we have a peace that passes understanding that governs our hearts during tough times. A week before my brother passed, it was about two weeks since Charley and I last spoke, life had busied us both. I had been home all day with my two babies, all day I was uneasy like something was just not right. I can look back now and see clearly it was the Holy Spirit. The Lord communicates with us and makes us sensitive to things, often beyond our awareness. I was doing laundry and watching TV when something popped up on TV that was unsettling and with the uneasiness of the day it did not help. I started to pray over my family not certain what this feeling was. In prayer I was given the thought; If you knew you knew it would be the last time you could ever talk to your brother what would you say to him? It was a feeling too strong to ignore, so I called him. I told him I loved him and sorry for being such a pain as a big sister, we talked for a while, it was the best conversation we ever had, I never felt closer to him, it was also our last conversation we would ever have. That was a gift from God! The Holy Spirit will direct us, it is so vital to listen and follow those leadings even if they do not make sense. I have a peace I can take through the rest of my life, I would not have this if I had not called him. Many times I did not listen to the Holy Spirit and boy I wish I had!
As you seek the Lord in this crazy life, He will direct you through the Holy Spirit and His Word. Romans 10:17, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message , and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.” The Spirit and the Word will always agree (I John 5:6-12). When you tune into the Holy Spirit and read the Word of God, you will hear Him loud and clear. It’s like tuning in a radio, if the receiver is lined up to the proper frequency you hear the program clearly. You are the recipient and the voice of the Holy Spirit will be clear as you are tuning your inner man to the Word of God. If you are lined up with the worlds way of thinking and doing, the noise and distractions of the world will drown out the voice of the Lord. There is an enemy out there that wants to kill, steal and destroy we must be on guard and equipped to stand against him. He does not want to see people walking in the life God has intended for them. The enemy uses distractions to draw you away from the Word and God’s plan for your life. Reading God’s word keeps that tuner fixed on Him! As a mother I have had my fill of full days, way more than I could handle sometimes. Thank God I did not have to handle things on my own, He was always there empowering me to do what was before me. The past 25 years since my brother’s death have had its fair share of trials, I had been through divorce, a single mom with a house full, I went back to college, experienced job loss, death of a parent, loss of animals, had other struggles yet restoration found me. I have a beautiful love, remarried (a beautiful story of its own) moved across the country, started a blended family and we were blessed with a son at our mature age! 46 and expecting, sound like another book of its own!
I have seen heartache and I have seen beautiful restoration and blessing. In every part, God was there. He has taken all these strands of life some black with despair and some gold and brilliant and He weaves a beautiful tapestry of my life. Did you ever look at the back of a weaving? It’s an absolute mess, but when you turn it around it is a beautiful design, an intricate creation. That is our life, we don’t see the finished product often we are focused on all the knots and loops and twists and turns in the background. God knows what He is doing and He is working and creating a masterpiece with your life! The tapestry of your life is in the process don’t cut the threads or be discouraged because you cannot see how it will turn out! Trust the One who can see it all and trust the He has a plan for your life! Trust that He Loves you! It is a lie from the enemy to think otherwise. Hold on to John 14:17, “The Spirit of truth, the world cannot accept him. But you know Him for He lives with you and will be in you.”
He wants us to live in peace in every area, it’s not that we won’t see struggles but we have a peace that passes understanding that governs our hearts during tough times. A week before my brother passed, it was about two weeks since Charley and I last spoke, life had busied us both. I had been home all day with my two babies, all day I was uneasy like something was just not right. I can look back now and see clearly it was the Holy Spirit. The Lord communicates with us and makes us sensitive to things, often beyond our awareness. I was doing laundry and watching TV when something popped up on TV that was unsettling and with the uneasiness of the day it did not help. I started to pray over my family not certain what this feeling was. In prayer I was given the thought; If you knew you knew it would be the last time you could ever talk to your brother what would you say to him? It was a feeling too strong to ignore, so I called him. I told him I loved him and sorry for being such a pain as a big sister, we talked for a while, it was the best conversation we ever had, I never felt closer to him, it was also our last conversation we would ever have. That was a gift from God! The Holy Spirit will direct us, it is so vital to listen and follow those leadings even if they do not make sense. I have a peace I can take through the rest of my life, I would not have this if I had not called him. Many times I did not listen to the Holy Spirit and boy I wish I had!
As you seek the Lord in this crazy life, He will direct you through the Holy Spirit and His Word. Romans 10:17, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message , and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.” The Spirit and the Word will always agree (I John 5:6-12). When you tune into the Holy Spirit and read the Word of God, you will hear Him loud and clear. It’s like tuning in a radio, if the receiver is lined up to the proper frequency you hear the program clearly. You are the recipient and the voice of the Holy Spirit will be clear as you are tuning your inner man to the Word of God. If you are lined up with the worlds way of thinking and doing, the noise and distractions of the world will drown out the voice of the Lord. There is an enemy out there that wants to kill, steal and destroy we must be on guard and equipped to stand against him. He does not want to see people walking in the life God has intended for them. The enemy uses distractions to draw you away from the Word and God’s plan for your life. Reading God’s word keeps that tuner fixed on Him! As a mother I have had my fill of full days, way more than I could handle sometimes. Thank God I did not have to handle things on my own, He was always there empowering me to do what was before me. The past 25 years since my brother’s death have had its fair share of trials, I had been through divorce, a single mom with a house full, I went back to college, experienced job loss, death of a parent, loss of animals, had other struggles yet restoration found me. I have a beautiful love, remarried (a beautiful story of its own) moved across the country, started a blended family and we were blessed with a son at our mature age! 46 and expecting, sound like another book of its own!
I have seen heartache and I have seen beautiful restoration and blessing. In every part, God was there. He has taken all these strands of life some black with despair and some gold and brilliant and He weaves a beautiful tapestry of my life. Did you ever look at the back of a weaving? It’s an absolute mess, but when you turn it around it is a beautiful design, an intricate creation. That is our life, we don’t see the finished product often we are focused on all the knots and loops and twists and turns in the background. God knows what He is doing and He is working and creating a masterpiece with your life! The tapestry of your life is in the process don’t cut the threads or be discouraged because you cannot see how it will turn out! Trust the One who can see it all and trust the He has a plan for your life! Trust that He Loves you! It is a lie from the enemy to think otherwise. Hold on to John 14:17, “The Spirit of truth, the world cannot accept him. But you know Him for He lives with you and will be in you.”