I have been there and not just once. I found myself there this past week. It has been years since my brother and dad passed, years since my divorce and job loss. Life has moved forward and here I am again. One day I was just tired, tired of being like this. I cried out to the Lord to stop being so silent. He answered me. It was not an audible voice, but He was talking to me, I just had to listen.
In the midst of this the word hopeless just rang through me. I even told the Lord that's what I feel, nothing, numb, my hope is gone. That morning I looked around the house for a journal to write in, I was pushing through. I wanted to be over this hump and knew I needed to pray. I was a loss for words and often writing helps me form my thoughts and prayers. I found one with a few pages left, but really could not bring myself to write.
Afterward I went on Facebook and there was a beautiful snowy picture looking out a friend's window with an ornament with the word hope. It caused me to pause for a moment. Later that evening we celebrated Christmas with my two stepdaughters. They had a gift for me, and it was a journal with Jeremiah 29:11 on it. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans for Hope and a future." It brought tears to my eyes! It was a hug from God! They did not know I needed a journal nor that I was wrestling with anything. When they come to visit, I pray that the Lord will give me words to share the Love of Christ yet this time I just was at a loss and didn't, it grieved me after they left. As I pondered all that happened, I realized I had to share with them how God used them to make a difference in my life. What a powerful word to share with them, way better than anything I could have forced into a conversation just to "share Jesus". Now they can ponder they were used by God to make a difference in my life!
It doesn't stop there, even though all that was encouraging. This week I started a new Bible Study, I finally got around to start Chapter 1, which I came to find out is entitled Hopelessness! One illustration after another of God's faithfulness and provision through scripture and life experiences that are faith building.
Circumstances have not changed but my hope has. It is impossible to hear from God and read through His Word and not be changed.
I pray whatever you are going through right now that your hope will be rekindled.
If you have experienced grief and loss pray you find a peace that passes all understanding.
The God of HOPE Loves you!
Note: I have shared this again because today I found this an encouragement. I feel someone else penned these words to help me. We all need to be encouraged daily. We have good days and bad our emotions change often. It is wonderful to know God never changes! I pray this blesses you as it did me!